BBV Group is fully aware of the impact that its manufacturing activity has on the community and the environment. In 2017, the shareholders, the administrative and the management bodies started a specific path focused on the organizational innovation that, since the stage of preliminary study, has given equal dignity to the key factors of our establishments: the bureaucracy and technology. In this context, the Group developed its awareness of being a part (small though it may be) of important supply chains which have, at their top, big companies summoned to manage extremely difficult projects.

From this perspective, at the top of BBV Group, the belief that, voluntarily (since the minimum parameters imposed by the legal obligation had not been reached) was necessary to bear an important responsibility of guiding the development of its organizational model, technological aspect included, according to the strategic dimension and the implementing path, previously adopted by its original customers, is deep-rooted. The company paid particular attention to those costumers assumed as policymakers: Eni S.p.A. and Fincantieri S.p.A.

The assumption of the responsibility to adopt and encourage sustainable activities, focusing on all the ESG dimensions, has raised naturally, responding to the own feelings of the company about this topic and the will to give its effective contribution inside the above-mentioned supply chains.

The introduction of thirty newest machines equipped with the latest-generation technology, brought about by Industry 4.0, some of these highly customized, together with the use of only one ERP for the whole group, the development of the bureaucratic structure (e.g. the organization chart and the company’s internal rules) the hiring of qualified staff and the continuous training, are all actions guided by one belief which does not consider BBV Group only as an independent company, but as an actor in an extremely difficult industrial and social ecosystem, which responds to the directions given by the governmental (or intergovernmental) policies and see from a strict industrial term, big companies at the lead, that find themselves at the top of different sectors.

The actions taken by BBV group has represented a model change, which is continuously looking for new and highest operational efficiency levels. There is also the fully awareness that the adhesion to the ESG dimensions, formally occurred in the second semester 2022, and the related subscription

to the Open Es platform, do not represent a mere marketing action, but a specific industrial, economic, and financial driver for growth of BBV group and its supply chains. Therefore, the company commits itself to:

  • Manage the resources effectively, following its goal to minimize the impact on the environment.

  • Provide a safe working environment that preserves health and safety of employees,
    focusing on their wellbeing and professional growth.

  • Interact responsibly with the social and the economic context,
    which surrounds the company activity, with a proactive attitude.

  • Offer products and engineered solutions sustainable by its nature,
    satisfying the customer and contributing to a closer attention towards the environment.


It won’t be easy for BBV Group to face this challenge, but with the constant effort, the constant support of its partners, community, and its determination, it will head towards the achievement of its goal of designing and manufacturing the expansion joint, offering the related services, in a context of responsible excellence.